Sunday, May 20, 2012

Walter Benjamin "Theses on the Philosophy of History"

"One reason why Fascism has a chance is that in the name of progress its opponents treat it as a historical norm. The current amazement that the things we are experiencing are "still" possible in the twentieth century is not philosophical. This amazement is not the beginning of knowledge- unless it is the knowledge that the view of history that giveth rise to it is untenable." Walter Benjamin, page 257, thesis 9

What Benjamin is trying to express here is that the citizens of Germany are living in an oppressed situation and is primary because they chose to stand by and do nothing about the struggle. He wants the people to bring about the state of emergency because indeed though the lens of history they are experiencing a period of great disaster and has been repeatedly over the course of history. His theory also alludes that this shift will aid in the struggle against Fascism which is the case while he is writing in the sense of Nazism. He claims which can be agreed, that the illusion of progress which the politicians sell to the volks has be the bait that has trapped the people in an continual oppressive situation from past history coming up. I guess he is substituting the word amazement for shock that the people have not realize the trap after so long of time being fooled by the same trick, especially now in a time of what seems to be enlightenment, progress and modernization. I think he is really saying because of what is happening in Germany, that this is a period of folly not wisdom or knowledge among the people (which is ironic because German produce great minds of that century, though they eventually were forced to flee Germany do to this same "amazement") because history has seem to become indefensible. Indefensible because no one has realize the state of emergency because they are hypnotized by the illusion and promise of progress which will forever oppress not only the people but history.
I chose this quote because it is simply the truth. Though Benjamin did not live to see the awakening in Germany concerning his writing, I find that his theory is still applicable in some areas of world history and American history now in the twentieth century. Its like you just want to scream sometimes do anyone care to change this process which only produce the same bad result. We even see this every four years around election time all the politicians come with their illusive promises on progresses we fall into it and then complain how we are still struggling and suffering. I would have to agree with Benjamin and Nietzsche that the outcomes of history seems to be leading towards getting worst instead of better. I also chose this quote because, this read I found it a bit difficult and that was one of the lines that caught my attention and kept me interested.

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