So in this quote Junger is talking about the pain of the soul and how it is now being studied by this new science called psychology. He believes that psychology confirms his theories on pain; that pain has the influence on one that makes them bitter, also that it causes on to become calcified as in they become unwilling to do anything, the become unwilling to take the risk and sacrifice. He also express in this quote that pain causes mistrust I figure that is why one would not be willing to make sacrifices. And not only does that that it keeps the individual reminded of the injustices that made them feel demoralized or inferior. Then because of pain the person is constantly in a state of the victim role or feeling like a victim. And as Junger writes in his essay that history is the oldest man that will ever live his age precedes mankind and it proceeds mankind. Not only that but it will continue to be the literature of reference people turn to for a sort of justification or blame.
1.How would you judge Jünger's thesis that pain is the central experience of life?
A quick answer would be yes that I sound very true because of the attributes he provide as evidence for his theory but I would say no. I don't believe pain the the central experience of life. As mentioned in the lecture "he does not really confront pain at all but instead runs away from it, by preaching a kind of "emotional suicide" which frees the individual from pain but only by making them dead on the inside". From a nihilistic point of view I understand why he would call pain the central experience but on the more liberal side I would say love is the central experience of life because once someone decided to love another person the accept the fact that they have made them self vulnerable to hurt and pain.
2. What does "post-liberal" refer to and how does it relate to the idea of progress?
According to Junger post liberal refers to a period of time after world war one where it is assumed that liberalism is dead. From my understanding it relates to the idea of progress because once upon a time it liberalism stood by the idea that if technology and material increase social problems would decrease and that international conflicts would be resolved, unfortunately the opposite occurred. So he says that the post -liberal is to define that period where the ideas of liberalism is refuted.
3. Why is photography the "evil eye" according to Jünger?
Photography is the evil eye because it is not sensitive towards human emotions it captures images just as it is. Also it excites the mind to be envious and practice such polices like imperialism and colonization. It, like Junger express it is an instrument of our own particular nature, it evokes in a man the lust of the eye and the pride of life.
4. What is the relationship between specialized education and the "worker type."
The worker type is the type that submits to totalitarianism rule, they are a greater advantage to avoid pain according to Junger. whereas specialized education impact the advancement that Junger deems the problem started bring pain into the lives of men.
5. How does submission to totalitarian authorities protect an individual from pain?
Because there is no advancement. With advancement of technology so do the dehumanization of human life.
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