"Quite terribly simple. To make of it an artistic tendency must mean that one is anticipating complications. Dada Psychology, dada Germany cum indigestion and fog paroxysm" - Hugo Ball, Dada Manifesto
I chose this quote because, for one it is very powerful. I say this because the meaning behind it is deep conceptually. This is highly intelligent yet deemed so simple and to think people were punished for such brilliance of artistic ability.
The meaning of this quote is that the concept of dada is the reality of what is being avoided. To see reality is much easier than to admit it, but through dada, admitting the facts and seeing the facts have become unified thus causing a very big problem and becoming something obnoxious. Dada is a artistic outlet of expressing the obvious though it is hard to look upon, highly distorted and can be ugly, it is what it is. I also think that it means lack of care, it means that things are meaningless and plain at that point.
The image depicted of Germany is that of a combination of pain/discomfort and a naive vision of the problem, even the way the people are thinking is irregular. So this artistic tendency clearly portray this misconstrue
I think the Author is saying this because he purposed to be ironic, he uses this very simple word to explain a concept that is quite concentrated and sophisticated and it boldly stand for what is faced by the movement. He was his audience to know that this art is the image of what really is, in a way the clear picture even though the reality is the distortion.
The quote actually made me think about what might have been going on during this time that would inspire such honesty ideology of society and it defiantly bring be to imagine what it would be like if people were really to call things how they see it (scary). In a way I do agree with what the author is proposing and though he was using irony and truth, dada is not simple but complications should be expected. There is no way dada can be comfortable for some people. Dada can be seen going on today, Is it always accurate this artistic tenancy in our society absolutely not for example the Hitler mustache on President Obama face in political posters.
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