Monday, March 26, 2012

The Junius Pamphlet- Reflection

“They were competing in their expansion toward the non-capitalist countries and zones of the world. As early as the eighties a strong tendency toward colonial expansion became apparent.”
                                                                                           - "The Junius Pamphlet " Rosa Luxemburg

This quote is taken from chapter three of Rosa Luxemburg essay. And she expressed this to give basic information as to how capitalism and imperialism is become a house hold name to super powers at the time; also how Germany is a big fan too of these capitalistic and imperialistic ideals. Luxemburg sees this trend as a problem between capitalistic powers over territory in there annexes. What it means to me is that capitalism and imperialism start problems between nations because it causes power struggles between greater nations. Then the problems escalades to wars.

Monday, March 19, 2012

M (1931)- Reflection and Questions

The scene I chose from the movie M is when Beckert was looking in the shop window and he saw the little girl in the mirror standing alone. He got this gleam in his eyes and his persona changed from calm to compulsive. He then follows after the young girl but when he turns the corner and saw the child being meeting with her mother he was over taken my another spirit. He then went to drink and smoke of his disappointment that he was not able to abduct her.   
How I interpret this scene is that it sums up the process of what happens to Beckert right before he strikes. The excitement that he experiences as sees these young children and the eagerness towards them as he considers the satisfaction he will get from committing this crime. Also it shows what he experiences when he doesn’t full fill his horrible murders the frustration and pressure on himself.
I chose this scene because it expresses that something is psychologically wrong with Beckert though he functions, looks like and act like all is well with him. He really is not a bad person like everyone in the movie named him to be but he is mentally unstable.

1. Discuss the evolution of police power as it is depicted in Dr. Caligari and M?
In Dr. Caligari the police are seen as less intelligent and sophisticated in there authority and judgments. They also have less power in the sense that they were more controlled by the people, whereas in M they had so much authority that some people resented them.
2. Does the killer deserve to die?
I agree with his attorney that because he is not mentally all there he should not be sentenced to death but be admitted to a psychiatric facility. He doesn’t deserve to die because he cannot help himself to make better judgments but when he gets admitted he should never be released.
3. How does the criminal’s ability to organize themselves affect their ability to capture Beckert?
Their ability to organize themselves helped them mightily in their efforts to capture Beckert.  It was secretly, unexpected and well thought out especially by assigning beggars to watch the area. It reminds me of neighborhood watch groups it is very effective since the limited number of police is not sufficient to cover larger areas.
4. How would you judge the depiction of Nazis as criminals?
The only reason I would rationalize the Nazis as criminals would be for the simple fact that they did acknowledge the law; they always took matters into their own hands. An example of this was the capturing Beckert and deciding to punish him by death their selves.
5. What is the significance of the media in this film?
Media is significant in this film because it shadowed the reality of what was occurring in society. Both positive and negative aspects were made conceptual to the target views at the time. One reason is for them to see what is going on around them if they are not already aware and also if they are aware to use the film as a tool of promotion for things to advocate for or against.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Blue Angel- Questions

  1. How would you compare Rath/Lola to Siddhartha/Kamala? Both Rath and Siddhartha feel in love with women who brought out their sensual side, who gave them the feeling of love manhood beyond what they were taught from the society in which they originate. both men in a way found there downfall indirectly tied up in these women. Though Lola and Kamala did not have the most respected careers they were in a sense self sufficient and not the trophy wife types.
  2. Is Lola and emancipated woman or totally impassive? I would say that she was emancipated because she did show emotion sometimes good one sometimes aggressive controlling bad ones. She defiantly wore the pants in her marriage to Professor Rath and she also stood up for her self to her boss. She does what she wants and she gets what she wants, I believe it had to do with the idea that she was an American.
  3. what is the significance of the clown? In the film I see the clown as some who fell for the lifestyle, got chewed up and spit out as that, a clown. So I see the clown as a victim. When the clown came out and was looking at Professor Rath I doubt that the professor knew that was going to be his future if he tarried in such a place.
  4. How is chaos thematically represented in the film? In this film chaos is represented as everything out side of strict order. Among the intellects even the presence of noise is considered chaos. Everything must be under control and that was one of the reason Professor Rath lost his job. 
  5. How would you interpret the overall meaning of the film? Your life will become a living hell if you let go of who you are and roll with the tides of life. Keep order in your life it is good for you the things that are glittering and shinny is not always the best things for you.
  6. Why did I compare Rath to Haussmann painting montage? would you suggest a better comparison? Rath was the subject of this comparison because he in the beginning of the film represented one who was   scholarly, proper, professional and intellectually dressed on the outside. Serious and orderly but do have inner parts(not just physical but emotional) that was common among men and humamity in the sense that he desire things that was shun to desire openly like pleasure. I think that picture fits him perfect so on better comparison is there.

Blue Angel- Reflection

The scene I choose is the scene when Lola ask Professor Rath to pass her luggage and it fell and all the post cards fell out. He then went on to demand that as long as he has a red penny, the post cards must not be sold. The following scene we witness Professor Rath in the club selling the post cards himself.
I believe this scene to be the beginning of Professor Raft downward spiral. He shifted from who he was to whom his lifestyle had made him. He was up to that point, dignified and had morals that were obvious in his persona. He was also a man of boundaries but all of it went out the window. That was his wife he did not want her to be sold to the public on a post card. He didn’t want others to see in her what he did especially now that he has made her his wife.
As a Professor he was a dignified intellectual who was not a pauper but a man belonging to the decent middle class society. Because he had been bewitched  by the club lifestyle he lost his job and his money finished. He initially told Lola that, “as long as he has a red cent she will not sell those post cards”, when we see him selling the post cards if is only fair to conclude that he has ran out of money.
I chose this scene because as I mention I see this as the beginning of his down fall. I was the first time we actually see Professor Rath smoking and sitting among the commoners or the regular people in the club scene. To see him going around selling her post called was in a way degrading for his character because he lowered his standards by selling his wife picture to other men because he can no longer afford to take care of her. I also chose this scene because it is when he gave up on himself. That was when de decided to embrace the idea that this would be his new reality, he never tried to escape this lifestyle rather he embraced it.